
172 Richardson Road, Spring Farm 9.30am and 5pm every Sunday


Weddings, Baptisms and Namings, and Funerals

Our main church building seats up to 150 comfortably, or up to 200 in a cozy fashion. Our ministers are always happy to meet with you to discuss weddings, baptisms or namings, and funerals, but the information below will help you get started.


Our ministers are registered marriage celebrants and would be delighted to help you plan your wedding day and life as a married couple. Our weddings are conducted using the rites and vows of the Anglican Church in our Church building. We are convicted by the Bible that the marriage vows are significant promises and therefore are generally unwilling to conduct wedding services for divorcees.

In order to help you keep your wedding vows, we take all couples through three weeks of wedding preparation as well as the ‘Prepare’ course.

Our fee is $500 per couple including preparation, building hire, minister, verger, and use of the church sound system.

Baptisms and Naming Ceremonies

The birth of a child is so precious and we would love to thank God for the birth of your child and pray for your family.

At Narellan Anglican, we offer two types of service.

First we offer a “Public Naming with Thanksgiving to God”. This service includes a Bible reading and explanation as well as prayers for the child and family. Parents and Godparents (if any) publicly commit to caring for the child. It is a private service which generally takes about 20 minutes. There is only one meeting with the minister required to prepare for this service, and we are pleased to offer this service for free.

Secondly, we offer a baptism service for professing Christians who are already members of our church, and for their children. Because of the significant promises of baptism, these services are conducted in front of the church as part of a regular Sunday service. If you would like to join the church and be baptised, our ministers would be excited to meet with you and show you why following Jesus is the best decision you’ll ever make.


If you are looking for a Christian service to farewell a loved one, we would be very pleased to serve you. Services can be held at our church or at other locations by arrangement.

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172 Richardson Road, Spring Farm