
172 Richardson Road, Spring Farm 9.30am and 5pm every Sunday


Kids’ Club – 5 July

Kids' Club

Hi Everyone and welcome to Kids Club Online!

This is our final week for this term, so we come to the end of the book of Acts. But before we find out what happened in the last two chapters, let’s sing some songs! 

Our first song is a fun favourite from Colin Buchanan – Super Saviour and our memory verse from Quizworx Acts 2:38.

The last few weeks in Kids Club we’ve seen lots of people in Acts sharing the good news about Jesus. The Apostle Paul has been arrested, beaten up, thrown in gaol and stoned for telling people the gospel. In Acts 27-28 we’ll hear about Paul’s journey to Rome, but it’s certainly not an easy trip! Click on the link to hear a little bit about what happened when  Paul arrived in Rome. Come along on Friday to hear what a storm, shipwreck and snake have to do with Paul’s journey!

Now it’s time to do our fun craft – Paul is shipwrecked. Remember we love to see your craft on Fridays at our Zoom meetings.  Jim and I have delivered lots of prizes this term for craft, we have been so impressed with your efforts. We’d love to give away more prizes this week!

Please join us for our Kids Club Zoom meetings on Friday afternoon. The girls meet from 4.25-5pm and the boys from 5-5.35pm. We have lots of fun chatting, playing games, learning from the Bible and praying. If you need the meeting details you can contact Vanessa here

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172 Richardson Road, Spring Farm